About Aneeahseah 


Aneeahseah lives with her heart overflowing with love for humankind, strengthened by her two greatest allies: Tenacity and Audacity. Surmounting the almost unbearable life that the universe served her, she has voyaged far beyond survival of an agonizing life and into the arms of the astounding life she now lives.
Her hearts greatest desire is to see all of humankind who hears the calling, to become liberated from the imprisonment of their minds. She lives a life bringing Quantum and Universal Truths to her students and upleveling the vibrational frequencies of all she encounters.

Here is more of Aneeahseh’s remarkable history: Where is all began…in Australia in 1953 where her first audience were her 4 siblings, Mother & Great Aunt Grace, the first in the family's rich Spiritual & Mystical lineage. Aneeahseah…at the age of 17, had a tragic Near-Death Experience (NDE). And Lo! She met God!
Much to her surprise the God she met completely loved, cherished and approved of her. In this life changing experience, she fully cognized Divine Intelligence as Source. In that God Conscious state, she merged with all levels and heavens filled with loving Deities, multitudes of Divine Beings, Spirit Guides and Angels.
In this most remarkable experience, she discovered the seed of true self-love. That seed continues to expand as she offers the gifts of the Invincible Heart Traditions programs, Creation Healing, the Soul’s Supreme Flight Energetic Healing and the IHT~Way coaching.
She is currently preparing a group of brilliant student-teachers to offer trainings in late 2021 to the many who are now ready to change their lives into Remarkable Existences.

From the NDE, Aneeahseah returned to her body aware of her own Creation force in a state she has come to know as the Quantum Field. This experience uploaded an awareness of her own, and of all peoples, Oneness with Divinity and thus began the unique 50+ year odyssey of sourcing wisdom from this place of the Quantum Field and a deep calling & dedication to impart these teachings to others.  She was recently tested in EEG & Mind Mapping by the creator of Thought Genius, Dr. Jeffery Fannin, and he revealed that Aneeahseah lives, pre, during & post meditation, in the Quantum Field gathering wisdom there and bringing it back to her own earthly walk and to her students.
Loving living, meditating and studying these states, she began to realize her ability to cognize Higher truths in the Quantum Field, and channel the Christ, Buddha and Collective Consciousness to enable herself and her growing student body to thrive.

More on her background: After the NDE, returning to a vibrant life, like anyone else would have, she enjoyed partying for a while.  From there, in mid her 20s, she proceeded to establish a prominent and successful Alternative Healing center on the East Coast, helped to Found and inspire a renowned Chiropractic College in Texas, and was a Founding member of the Board of Directors for Columcille Megalith Park, the remarkable Celtic spiritual center in Pennsylvania. For more than two decades, Aneeahseah lived and studied in a modern-day monastic ashram, studying, praying, meditating, chanting, leading and advancing her Spiritual Prowess. 

Called from the calling of her Soul to expand her vital reach of love, wisdom, healing, and awakening to a greater number of people, she knew she had completed her work with these projects and it was time to further Find God and immerse herself in consciousness inside the Quantum Field. She spends her time reminding humanity of who they truly are.

She now lives her life continuing to advance her multitude of Spiritual Truths by living her daily Practices, studying with the world’s greatest Teachers, Quantum Physicists, Spiritualists, and Mystics, and mostly communing directly with Divine Creator in the Quantum Field, at home, in the beautiful Invincible Heart Center in Southern Oregon.

Aneeahseah Loves that she Lives! She also Loves that You Live and welcomes you to remind yourself that you are worth living a REMARKABLE life and invites you to do so through the studies of the Invincible Heart Traditions.

Aneeahseahā€™s Quantum~Mind, Remarkable Life Sessions